Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blow up Shewolf

So my homies Vodka&Milk just sent me their first remix.  It's of Shakira's song Shewolf.  For first timers this track is pretty legit.  I dig the beats.  Besides that coming up tomorrow is Blow Up SF and I'm taking a 6 hour trek up there from Los Angeles.  Skitsnygg is going to kill it tomorrow night playing a new set including his latest remix "Make Me Dance"originally by B. Rich.  I'm bringing my camera to this event so be sure to stay posted and check out the pics.

Hipsters Drink PBR
because we have class.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hey guys sorry its been awhile but  I've been busy with work and such.
Summers been pretty rad, hanging out, partying, seeing good shows.  
But tonight I have a special treat...My friend Skitsnygg just sent me his new remix Make Me Dance- B.Rich so I wanted to upload it.  Also check out his latest mixtape at under preparty jamz: skitsnygg.
hope you enjoy

Hipsters Drink PBR
because we have class