Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Thoughts.

Hipsters.  We love them.  We hate them.  Bunch of skinny jean wearing, big glasses, American Apparel and Urban Outfitter wearing art school fags.  To some maybe.  To others the cool, trendy, artsy kids that believe everyone wishes they were them.  Either way, each definition unites under one common flag, PBR.  Regardless of your opinion, check out this blog every so often for random thoughts, event info, photos, fails, successes, and just plain old random shit.
Hipsters Drink PBR,
Because we have class.


  1. How to tell if you're a hipster:
    1. Beard
    2. Cheap jewelry
    3. PBR
    4. Purple drink
    5. Williamburg/Buschwick
    6. Raybans
    7. Thrift Shops
    8. Studio B
    9. Feeling Cathartic, Lathargic
    10. The New School
